The tools on this page are primarily for assisting with learning outcomes assessment, either at the program level or the institutional level. (Some tools may be useful to certain administrative/educational support units, though, such as the HEDS Research Practices Survey.) A few of these tools are free. The rest are commercial and require payment. Lindenwood welcomes proposals from programs seeking funding for them. Contact The Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs for further information on applying for funding for assessment tools.
The tools listed here represent only a fraction of what is available. For a list of more than 250 assessment tools, visit the Measuring Quality in Higher Education inventory. Each entry is accompanied by the following information: its unit of analysis (i.e., student, faculty, staff, institution), its level of assessment (i.e., program, institution), what it targets (i.e., beliefs or values, knowledge, skills, etc.), and a few lines describing it. Be aware that some of the tools listed here are no longer available. Another guide that compares only the most popular commercially available instruments is the Educational Testing Service's (ETS) report: "A Culture of Evidence: Critical Features of Assessments for Postsecondary Student Learning." It provides a number of handy tables that compare features of various tools. (If you consult it, bear in mind that the report was prepared under the auspices of ETS, which is a commercial testing service provider itself.)