Teacher candidates will engage in supervised, professional field experiences and will utilize reflective practices to improve their teaching. The LindenTeach course will support the development of the professional knowledge, skills and disposition of the teacher candidate.
This course consists of observation, individual conferences, and supervised teaching in an early childhood setting, elementary middle and/or secondary school and a LindenTeach seminar course.
Semester 1 (Before Student Teaching)*
- 3 credit hour LindenTeach course.
- 16-week paid internship with a partner district (substitute teaching within a school building).
- Coaching and mentoring from LindenTeach Supervisor and University Supervisors.
- 200 contact hours with students prior to student teaching.
Semester 2 (Student Teaching)
- Remain within the same school (with the same cooperating teacher).
- Unpaid 16-week internship.
- 500 contact hours with students while coached by University Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher.
*LindenTeach interns have the option to repeat this component for a second semester (two complete semesters of paid internship and LindenTeach coursework) before student teaching.