GiftAMeal Conducts Case Study to Measure Impact on Customer Behavior

ITEN Company, , recently released the findings of a 17 month long study with Partner  . Transactions from Bloom Café were split into two groups: customers that used the GiftAMeal app and customers that did not.

The 424 customers that used GiftAMeal, on average: spent 25% more per transaction, returned 20% more frequently, and tipped 34% more than their counterparts who had not used GiftAMeal.

Transactions by customers that used GiftAMeal were segmented into two new groups: transactions before each customer’s first use of GiftAMeal at Bloom Café and those after. Once a customer used GiftAMeal, on average, check size grew 6%, tip size grew 25%, and visit frequency grew 42%.

This indicated that the simple act of using GiftAMeal to ‘give back’ by taking a photo was actually a catalyst for growth in check size, tip size, and visit frequency.

Read the entire study at .