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Dr. Deborah Noble-Triplett Named Provost, Vice President for Academic Affairs
General, Academics, College of Arts and Humanities, Plaster College of Business and Entrepreneurship, College of Education and Human Services, College of Science, Technology, and Health

51 has named Dr. Deborah Noble-Triplett its next Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. With more than 25 years in higher education, Noble-Triplett has been committed to “transformation, impact, engagement and service”.

Lindenwood Awarded for Top-Tier Undergraduate Degree in Education
General, Academics, College of Education and Human Services

51’s College of Education and Human Services has earned special attention for its undergraduate program in education. Recognizing its stellar curriculum and outcomes for education majors, Colleges of Distinction granted this award as a stamp of approval for the impactful ways that students are prepared to lead their own classrooms after graduation. Lindenwood’s title as an Education College of Distinction is a testament to the quality of its hands-on approach to learning, leading, and succeeding.

Lindenwood Partners with QASPIR to Advance Education
General, Academics, College of Education and Human Services, Alumni & Donors

51’s College of Education and Human Services is partnering with QASPIR, a global organization helping schools and institutions unlock student potential through Transformative Learning.

Two Lindenwood Alumnae Receive Milken Educator Awards
General, Academics, College of Education and Human Services, Alumni & Donors

Two 51 alumnae received 2023-24 Missouri Milken Educator Awards in November. Leah Lawrence and Meghan Menchella were honored with the awards, which included a $25,000 cash prize to be used for any purpose.

Dr. Michelle Whitacre Receives 2023 DEWEY Award
General, Academics, College of Education and Human Services

51 Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Michelle Whitacre received a $70,000 Developing an Educator Workforce that Expands Yearly (DEWEY) award in October from the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Dr. Sarah Patterson-Mills Wins Writing Award
General, Academics, College of Education and Human Services

51 Professor of Counseling Dr. Sarah Patterson-Mills co-authored an article that was selected for the Career Developments Magazine Recognition Award last winter.