Tanya Vest

Tanya Vest
Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership
College of Education and Human Services

Southwest Missouri Center Office +1 636-627-6674 tvest@lindenwood.edu

Course Information

Term Course Course Name
SP WS 25 EW5 2698 02 On Ground PowerSchool University Engage Myrtle Beach
Spring 25 16-Week EDA 62000 OL01 Online School District Administration and Visionary Leadership
Spring 25 16-Week EDA 64100 OL01 Online Educational Administration Internship and Innovative Leadership
Spring 25 16-Week EDA 61500 OL01 Online Advanced School Finance
Spring 25 16-Week EDA 61000 OL01 Online Human Resource Administration
Spring 25 16-Week EDA 60000 OL01 Online Administration, Instructional Leadership, and Assessment
Spring 25 16-Week EDA 78000 ARTV Online Capstone Experience
Spring I 25 8-Week EDA 60500 OL11 Online Advanced School Law
Summer 25 12-Week EDA 78300 OL32 Online Leadership Theory and Application
Summer 25 8-Week EDA 61000 OL21 Online Human Resource Administration
Summer 25 8-Week EDA 64100 OL21 Online Educational Administration Internship and Innovative Leadership
Summer 25 8-Week EDA 62000 OL21 Online School District Administration and Visionary Leadership
Summer 25 8-Week EDA 60000 OL21 Online Administration, Instructional Leadership, and Assessment